Keeping safe outdoors

New Zealand is a reasonably safe place to visit and study in. But there are some risks that people who travel outdoors need to be aware of.
The New Zealand weather is unpredictable and so it is advisable to carry warm clothing when outdoors.

Here are some other tips:

Inform someone before going hiking or boating about your time of return
Always wear a life jacket when in a motor boat
Be wary of dangerous rips and tides and stick to the safe areas when out swimming
Keep in shallow waters when in remote areas

Natural hazards

New Zealand is a volcanically active country where earthquakes sometimes occur. The two volcanoes on the North Island – Mount Ruapehu and Nguarahoe are still active. There have been minor eruptions from Ruapehu and these continue to be scientifically monitored.
The middle of the North Island is home to the geysers or hot springs. Be sure to wear good footwear in these areas and be careful when walking to avoid being burnt.

Guidelines for the outdoors

Many New Zealand regional or national parks have guidelines for visitors.
Here are some signs which visitors might come across:

Please close the gate
Danger – please take care
No Entry – this is private property
No dogs allowed
Bridge or track closed due to damage
Total fire ban